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APTeams Day

August 10, 2020

The National Apartment Association has designated August 12 as Apartment Onsite Teams Day to ensure proper recognition is given to the community team members that have worked so hard during the Coronavirus pandemic. Simpson Housing wants to say thank you to each and every one of our communities with a 3-day event for Apartment Onsite Teams Day! 


We are so grateful for all our leasing, maintenance, and onsite teams that have adapted and continued to work hard for everyone at their community. You all deserve to be recognized and rewarded for your dedication as many have and continue to benefit from your hard work.


Celebrations will be held at each community starting Monday, August 10th and going through Wednesday, August 12th as a thank you for all your efforts during these difficult months. These celebrations include Sweet Treat Tuesday and Uber Eats Wednesday!


Additionally, we are excited to announce casual weekend attire for the remainder for 2020!


While we specifically celebrate Apartment Onsite Teams Day this week, we hope you feel appreciated and supported every day. Thank you for all you do, and all you will continue to do – it does not go unnoticed.

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